Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hour 9

Oh hello dear friends. I have discovered that the source of this cold temperature, is that some door knob decided to crank up the AC in the room. However my dear ana bought me a coffee! YES A COFFEE! What a doll, dont you agree? So now im awake and chipper, and rumors are that the next bathroom break is in an hour, I can deal, Jess you can deal! Ok get this, my fingers are so cold that im having trouble typing this thing...ridiculous! Anyhow Ive moved on from all my Greek readings and now im making notes for my film exam, which i dont mind doing at all. Ive calculated that if I stay here 14 more hours, I would have been here 24 hours! TOTALLY on for that. The 9 havent been bad at all, and the guy near me is picking his nose... my cue to leave, love you lots. -jessica diana

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