Tuesday, December 8, 2009

anas birthday

So today is Anas birthday and I surprised her with a pink piece of cake with pretty sprinkles and white icing. I got some of the girls together on the floor and we all surprised her with a happy birthday. We officially named her the birthday Nazi. Literally 5 minutes after 12 she was complaining and getting literally PISSED off that her friends didnt call... literally on the verge of tears. Oh ana you drama queen...one that I love that is. I was in the library all day today jumping between class and library, library to class...exciting. The shortbread cookies that they serve in the library cafe will be the death of me, Ana and I...as I presume the rest of campus (theyre always sold out) agree that theyre gifts from bakery heaven itself. I rocked my garfield sweater today that Al bought me last Chrsitmas. I really gotta start incorporating some holiday colours in my wardrobe though...or maybe its too soon? Also this year Ive decided to wear a nice dress on Christmas eve as well as Christmas day, why not get really dressed up for the occasion?  I also managed to carry on a "full texting conversation" according to Amadeusz, because supposedly I never do...Alene thats a lie is it not? OH, I also got the job of stylist for our schools huge fashion show presented at a club. Supposedly its this big event and Im in charge of clothing 17 models. Im SO excited and so honored that they picked me!! Its stress though, I have 24 hours to pick out the clothing and return it!! Anyhow I should go to bed considering I have a date with Weldon lib tomorrow in the morning. Night rascals.- jessica diana

Grey Blazer- Top Shop London
Garfield Sweater- H&M
Blue Skirt- H&M
(worn with black stockings, white knit scarf and white knit hat)

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