Ok fellow bloggers and blog readers, I am in the midst of writing exams and decided to quickly come here and say hi. I miss this thing! Anyhow, we know how great the festivities are around this type of year, not to mention what we can get away with on the fashion table. Face it, Christmas is the only time of year when we can wear huge bell earings and big red bows on our heads. So, i propose a challenge. This year, try incorporating at least 1 holiday colour into your wardrobe a day. Easy? Think again. When I mean holiday colour I am referring to these colours : red, burgundy, green (any shade), gold, silver or white. This doesnt mean go crazy and wear every colour, it means try and bring in a little bit of holiday spirit to your day. I will be posting mine as soon as I am done my exams ( I end on the 21st). From that day on I will show you what I am wearing. So, if any of you do this, send a picture to my email at jessica@acidcitymag.com and I will get back to you! If I get enough maybe ill post them up here! Cant wait to see your outfits and hope everyone is enjoying their holiday!- jessica diana
Blue skirt: american apparel
Gold/white skirt being used as a top! : vintage ( 1 point for holiday challenge)
White blazer : vintage ( 2 points for holiday challenge)
Black tights
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
SO WAS ANYONE AWARE THAT SALVADORE DALI AND WALT DISNEY TEAMED UP? YA BECAUSE I SURE DIDNT! I was reading through my film text book only to come across a reference to a short film called "Destino" that was created over 60 years ago by those two masterminds and never got completed or released until 50 years later. Its so beautiful, so enchanting, so...DALI. Its like being on a trip, and it literally bounces and merges from one thing to the next. Here is the link, I really suggest you watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzzZa5o1q5k have any of you watched Fantasia by Disney? Ok imagine that Dali style...unreal. Carrying on, I wont be blogging for a few days considering Im going to be living like a hermit in a cage. I have an exam this Saturday and classes ended today which means im not leaving the dorm. You know what I dont like so much about Winter? The fact that in the fall you can wear 50 layers without a coat, but in the winter you can only wear a few. I mean no matter how many layers I wear it wont equal a big wool coat, so im forced to downsize...not cool. Today I did a few layers though, a thermal, then a cardigan, then a dress, then a sweater...warmth=fantastasic.
Blue Sweater- Black Market
Grey Tights- H&M
Burgundy Dress- H&M
Creme Cardigan- Old Navy
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
i dont need power when im hypnotized
Ive been watching Taking Woodstock, anyone seen in? I think its perfectly done. Theres no corniness, no stupid effects, no overused things like old footage and such, its just great. Really conveyed how epic Woodstock was in its first year, and how it came from literally nothing what a fluke! Its definitely a must see for those who are even aware of what Woodstock was. Moving on, I spent the whole day in the library where I bumped into half of the crew from Spring Awakening, it was pretty great. "La Grange" has such a good riff doesnt it, two seconds and its in your head for life. Ive been trying some of these new "festive flavour shots" at Starbucks. Not bad, so far I've tried "shortbread" and "cheesecake" the cheesecake one didnt really taste like much but it smelt really good....theres around 4 more..and I will try them. I always get shots in my green tea, you guys should try it. The best combination? 3 shots of caramel in "awake" tea, go for it, you'll be amazed, its my signature drink, dont mess. Im slowly slipping into that exam state of insanity, where walls seem to move and colours flash..kind of like an acid trip... so on that note, I hope everyones acid trips are doing wonders. -jessica diana
PS I dont know why the blog is spacing everything out so much, Ive tried and cant seem to fix it, sorry for the messy look.
PS I dont know why the blog is spacing everything out so much, Ive tried and cant seem to fix it, sorry for the messy look.
Library outfit:
Flannel Shirt: H&M
Grey shirt under: Garage
White V neck under: American Apparel
Shiny Tights- American Apparel
Grey Cardigan: H&M
Hunter Boots
anas birthday
So today is Anas birthday and I surprised her with a pink piece of cake with pretty sprinkles and white icing. I got some of the girls together on the floor and we all surprised her with a happy birthday. We officially named her the birthday Nazi. Literally 5 minutes after 12 she was complaining and getting literally PISSED off that her friends didnt call... literally on the verge of tears. Oh ana you drama queen...one that I love that is. I was in the library all day today jumping between class and library, library to class...exciting. The shortbread cookies that they serve in the library cafe will be the death of me, Ana and I...as I presume the rest of campus (theyre always sold out) agree that theyre gifts from bakery heaven itself. I rocked my garfield sweater today that Al bought me last Chrsitmas. I really gotta start incorporating some holiday colours in my wardrobe though...or maybe its too soon? Also this year Ive decided to wear a nice dress on Christmas eve as well as Christmas day, why not get really dressed up for the occasion? I also managed to carry on a "full texting conversation" according to Amadeusz, because supposedly I never do...Alene thats a lie is it not? OH, I also got the job of stylist for our schools huge fashion show presented at a club. Supposedly its this big event and Im in charge of clothing 17 models. Im SO excited and so honored that they picked me!! Its stress though, I have 24 hours to pick out the clothing and return it!! Anyhow I should go to bed considering I have a date with Weldon lib tomorrow in the morning. Night rascals.- jessica diana
Grey Blazer- Top Shop London
Garfield Sweater- H&M
Blue Skirt- H&M
(worn with black stockings, white knit scarf and white knit hat)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Hour 18...final result?
Did I win??? I THINK SOOOO EVERYONE!!!! I WON THE LAST elimination challenge with a tie breaking, all or nothing question! thanks to AL OF YOUR SUPPORT
id like to thank Ana my handy side kick!! She was amazing and stayed awake until I was done! And Al, paige, dreia, amadeusz, stephany, peter, trav, and ANYONE ELSE that im forgetting that helped me get through those long hours. I GOT MONEY FOR MY PARENTS CHRISTMAS GIFTS AAAHHH!!!!! I dont know if i'll sleep due to the amount of caffeine in be...but at least when i do i'll dream happy thoughts. night kids and thank you again! i know i sound like i won an academy award, but that money does mean a lot to me! - jessica diana
id like to thank Ana my handy side kick!! She was amazing and stayed awake until I was done! And Al, paige, dreia, amadeusz, stephany, peter, trav, and ANYONE ELSE that im forgetting that helped me get through those long hours. I GOT MONEY FOR MY PARENTS CHRISTMAS GIFTS AAAHHH!!!!! I dont know if i'll sleep due to the amount of caffeine in be...but at least when i do i'll dream happy thoughts. night kids and thank you again! i know i sound like i won an academy award, but that money does mean a lot to me! - jessica diana
Hour 17...the final hours
Ok guys so this is the last stretch. Since the last post there have been two more elimination rounds, leaving me with two others. The last one will be at 3:30 in the morning, which is in 15 minutes. Its a winner take all. I have come to realize that I am the only one in this for a legit reason. One guy wants to win because his pride and the name of winning, one guy just wants to get studying done...and then theres me...for my parents...cmon dont i get a sympathy vote? Anyhow I made a new friend named Steve, hes super cool. The last challenge was to name as many U.S states as you could...I got 21..or something? Not bad right! Ugh guys I wanna win so bad! I think I over heard that this gift card is to a book store...which is even MORE than perfect. I wanted to buy my mom her favourite book which doesnt even own a copy of..Withering Heights or something? Anyhow this thing is going to be over in less than 15 minutes and I hope I get that card!!! I wont even be able to sleep because im so high strung on coffee...aaaahh...if that guy wins that was jsut here because he wanted to get studying in...shits gonna go DOWN. Anyhow here are more pictures, i'll update you with the result as soon as I can
Current State...anxiety.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Hour 15
Ok so now theyre doing an elimination round for the 7 of us left. Its a trivia game with "common knowledge question". Let me mention that I FREAK OUT when being put on the spot, hence why I do so horribly on tests and such. So, lets all cross our fingers that I make it through this round AHH no pressure. How horrible will that be if ive been here all day and I get eliminated because of THIS...OK WE JUST DID IT. The quiz was the 10 most common words in the english language. AHHH ok im not going to post this blog until I found out if im threw or not. Oh and Id like to make a shout out to my new friend Stephanie from Broc! She was keeping me company, shes so amazing! It makes me so happy knowing that you guys read this, and it warms my heart every time I hear someone say "Oh i read your blog today!!" . So dear Stephanie: THANK YOU, for supporting me! UH OH I just gotta strike because me and Ana were laughing, 2 more and Im out...dun dun dunnn. I was telling Ana that I hope I get through for the sole reason that I aint sleeping tonight with amount of coffee Im on! Can you tell im typing at break through speeds? Oh...shame... anyhow...cmonnnn make me get through...make me get throughhhhh I MADE IT THROUGHHH AAAAHH YAY all is well for the next couple hours at least...
update: just found out there will be another elimination in 1 hour....superb.
update: just found out there will be another elimination in 1 hour....superb.
Hour 12
Hour 12 and only on 2 cups of coffee:), its silly but I feel super proud. Thought id let you know that the girl that won last year lasted 28 hours, so im almost at the halfway point. Im right next to the window and every few minutes students are walking bye drunkenly screaming...oh jealousy. Ana is in front of me now keeping me company, how cool is she? Oh and its been established that if you win its a $50 gift card to somewhere...i dont know where. I forgot to mention that the reason im doing this is for my parents. I want some extra spending money so I can get them gifts for Christmas. Yes bring out the violins but im being sincere, why else would I lock myself up for 28 hours? I finished my film exam notes, now im catching up on film reading...yes im a slacker and extremely behind in almost everything. Anyhow, let me know how your night is going if you read this. Hopefully you'll bring some stories to the table!- jessica diana
Hour 9
Hour 6
Oh hello world. Hour 6 and im really feeling the lack of coffee. Honestly, if I had my coffee I could go on for hours without any complaint. The lines are hard to read because they blur together, and im finding it hard to concentrate without zoning out or slowly fading into sleep (which i cant do so i jerk back up) haha. Oh boy oh boy coffee where are you! I cant wait till ana is done her classes because she can bring me some. im going to risk going to the washroom over staying awake, i cant hold it!!! Its also suddenly chilly in the room so im wearing ana's good luck sweater and a blanket, brrrr- jessica diana
Hour 3
Hey guys so its been 3 hours, nothing at all this is not even a quarter of the time I usually spend in the library. Not hungry, just thirsty but I cant drink considering I have the blatter of a 2 year old! The sun is on my side so its nice but at hte same time annoying because its blinding me!! Im falling asleep and unfortunately coffee is out of the question...greaaaat. Other than that im having fun! Its relaxing and im getting mad work done yeuuhh!! Currently doing greek still! Special thanks to Ana, Potter, Amadeusz, Paige and Drela for keeping me entertained! - jessica diana
First hour
Friday, December 4, 2009
glitter flash flash
I made this for a computer science project, thought I might as well post it up here considering Im not doing anything better. As well tomorrow Im in a contest to see how long I can stay at a desk for! Last year a girl won with 28 hours!!! So I will definitely keep you all posted and let me know what your up to I'll definitely need all the support I can get! I wanna win this thing! It was freezing outside today...ok not literally only minus 1...but nevertheless. I just wore a HUGE sweater, scarf and hat, nothing too special. I wore leg warmers inside my hunters though it was ...warm? Also I have attached a picture of the greatest girls, they make me smile. And remember that sparkly top outfit I wore? I found this picture on the same roll of film the night I wore it...nothing much better but hopefully youll get the picture! Now im off to bed, one must get lots of sleep for contests such as these. -jessica diana
Forest green sweater- Black Market Queen
Scarf- Winners
Hat- H&M
Leg Warmers- American Apparel
Paige, Alene, Myself and Andreia...so now when I talk about them you know who they are.
Forest green sweater- Black Market Queen
Scarf- Winners
Hat- H&M
Leg Warmers- American Apparel
Paige, Alene, Myself and Andreia...so now when I talk about them you know who they are.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
bye bye baby, baby goodbye
Listening to the four seasons...if you didnt know that based on the title of this blog...you dont own the rights to continue reading. By that I mean if you dont know who the Four Seasons are you need seriously consider looking back on life and where you went wrong. Im listening this station on itunes called "Golden Oldies" oh and that it is. Its a marvelous station if I say so myself, its making me all happy...which is...golden? Anyhow I just finished watching the Victorias Secret Fashion Show...wow...thats all im going to say. They are beautiful...they are the definition of angels, literal gifts from god himself. The Black Eyed Peas are everywhere this year huh? I feel like every time theres some extravagant show they're there performing. YES !!!(sorry The Young Rascals are playing!....Good Lovin?...no guys?...its ok I dont blame you we grew up in a sad generation). Haha yess Diana Ross and "Aint No Mountain High Enough" just came on..you all really need to get on this chanel..its a beautiful thing.- jessica diana
Red Skirt- American Apparel
Belt- Vintage
White TShirt- American Apparel
Grey Sweater- H&M
Flannel- Dads!
Red Skirt- American Apparel
Belt- Vintage
White TShirt- American Apparel
Grey Sweater- H&M
Flannel- Dads!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Im watching it again now, such a great moive. Everytime I watch it I fall in love with Liza Minnelli all over again, shes fabulous. Sorry Zeta Jones but your act will never compare...although Chicago was great. I wont say a lot today im rather tired and today has been full of emtional stress and useless school pressure. I have an essay due in a couple of days which I havent started yet, for the very reason I dont know how to start it. SO COMPLICATED! I also have an 8 page website due the day after...and then exams start! Oh school why do you like hurting me so? Here are pictures of our floor Christmas decorations. Maybe closer to Christmas I'll start dressing in the traditional white, green and red...ok maybe not red...maybe burgundy....im definitely going to do this, so stoked! Im going over to a friends house Sunday to watch classic Christmas movies like Roudolph and The Little Drummer Boy, and making cookies, so lame but I cant remember being so excited!- jessica diana

Alli's beautiful bedroom, thats Christmas love right there.
Ya you see right... reindeer sheets!!
Our little Christmas Tree
Best DVD box set...dont even try to compare...just dont.
Blue and White dress- Value Village
Jean Vest- Value Village
Brown Belt- H&M
Grey Sweater- Garage
(worn with white knitted hat, white knitted scarf, white knitted mittens and my hunters)
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