Sunday, October 11, 2009

Riders on the storm

Today I go back to Toronto...thank GAWWWDD. Dont get me wrong, London is great and everything, but I do miss my friends and boyfriend, or "flame" as my parents call it. Not to mention my CITY! Downtown how am I going to ever live without you? My train was due at 8:00 here and to arrive at 11:00 in Toronto. Heres what I wore on the train, very comfy, great success.I got a lot of reading done, not to mention writing, and I met some new friends...cant remember their names, thats alright. One guy...lets call him George, taught me how to properly drink tea! His dad is a tea fanatic or something of the sort. Anyway, your supposed to put the milk in before you put in the tea...crazy right? Something about how the water dilutes the milk...its all Chinese to me, but it works, tea tasted great! -jessica diana

Boots: Hunters $130
Tights: Aritzia $20
Cardigan: Vintage- priceless;)
Striped Sweater: H&M $25
Buddha ring: Aldo Accessories $21

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