Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Crunch time

All is hell here on campus. Mid terms are under away,one of which I have on Friday...and here I am blogging. May I recommend this amazing program that I just discovered its called Rescue Time. ( Here are 3 reasons why you should get it:

1) You can block any distracting sites, i.e facebook, youtube, twitter, for as long as you want while wanting to concentrate
2) It gives you a progress report everyday on how much time your spending distracting and how much time your being productive, AND it narrows it down for you, (literally saying you spent ___ amount of time on microsoft word, and _____ amount of time on facebook)
3) If you leave your computer it asks you where youve been, and it also reminds you if your spending too much time on distractings

PURE GENIUS. I gave the link above, I can tell you im doing a lot better at my stuff because of it. Anyway here is le outfit-jessica diana

flower headband- Icing by Claires- $6
Tights- Aritzia$ 20
Green Sweater- H&M
Flannel Shirt- Dads closet
Jean Vest- Value Village $4


vintage muse said...

you look very kurt cobain lately!!

great site, useful for sure.

ps take off this word verification!!!

jessica said...

how do i take it off!!:( im so lost!
and yea very grungy ish, im just experimenting with the layers
ps makes me happy your going on this<3